Friday, August 30, 2019

Mbeya Assignment

Got assigned to a boarding school in rural Mbeya Region, southern highlands. Leaving tomorrow for site visit one week. Travelling two days because we need to meet bus schedules, staying overnight in a stopover then overnight at Mbeya City, then my replacement PCV will take me to the school to meet the headmaster, called mkuu in Swahili.

We have to work out the logistics with PC staff and other current PCVs who are helping us to get to our destinations.

The school has of elevation 1995 meters, Mbeya is the coffee producing region. Temperature in winter can be 11 degrees Centigrade-because I requested for a cooler climate since my mosquito bites can be very large.

Sorry for all the metrics, no time to do conversion, as I have very little time to send messages.

Mashindei Mtn waterfall, some host family members,
my PST group
A giant 7-inch!!! mango we all ate at my host family dinner one evening. Most of the volunteers and trainees love the mango, embe

Sisal is a major product in the Tanga Region
where we are training. The fibers from the agave plant
(Mexican origin) are made into baskets and other products

Goats came to visit our "office"
and language classroom.
Note the wall is like some old European
or Russian apartment walls-peeling paint,
ugly patches, shabby

The 6 trainees assigned to Mbeya Region. We will be sworn in the following day as volunteers: left to right-Alyssa, Makala, Ronnie, Kenta, Zoe, Alice.


  1. Will you start teaching soon?You will be kept very busy once you begin teaching. Wishing you the best

  2. This is the only way I saw to contact you since I got a message from you thru messenger, but my reply isn't going thru, for some reason. Feel free to contact me directly using internet mail LindaPAug 15 at the letter g and the word mail combined. (said it that way in case this site doesn't allow addresses


In hiatus Jan 8 2022

update January 11, 2023 No longer any posting due to covid pandemic evacuation Mar 2020.  Peace Corps started slowly mobilizing to certain c...